Seen this fruit before? Available at hypermarket such as Giant or Tesco.. At the fruits / vege section...
It's called ARROW HEAD. It's a Chinese fruit yang boleh dijadikan kerepek. Not sure what the term in Chinese but it's written Arrow Head.. Besides kerepek, m not too sure what are the other function of arrow head as far as cooking is concerned...
One special thingy about arrow head is that it is only available menjelang Chinese New Year, not the whole year round. It really affordable, around RM 1 plus or 2 plus per kg jerr...
So we always grab a few kg and make kerepek. It's really delicious and simple (eventhough agak tedious / remeh...)
It's called ARROW HEAD. It's a Chinese fruit yang boleh dijadikan kerepek. Not sure what the term in Chinese but it's written Arrow Head.. Besides kerepek, m not too sure what are the other function of arrow head as far as cooking is concerned...
One special thingy about arrow head is that it is only available menjelang Chinese New Year, not the whole year round. It really affordable, around RM 1 plus or 2 plus per kg jerr...
So we always grab a few kg and make kerepek. It's really delicious and simple (eventhough agak tedious / remeh...)
Firstly, u've got to remove the skin..
and wash it...
But just leave the tip.. Jangan buang, it'll be useful later...
Heat oil on a frying pan..
and sagat the arrow head towards the frying pan...
note : the arrow head cannot be pre-sliced earlier... it has to be done immediately, and straight to the frying pan... or else it'll be like so melekat-lekat...
add a little bit of air garam to the oil, round quarter teaspoon...
wait till the colour turned to golden brown and lift...
Wait till it chill for a while and it's ready for consumption...
This is really worth...
The market price is around RM 12 -16 for 1 jar of arrow head, when the cost is less than 5 bucks...
So... dapatkan sementera stok masih ada :D
Nice one! Never knew nama dia arrow-head! Thx for sharing!!
sedap nyer nyum...nyum...tu tgk ko ke tgn k.mas? halus mulus jer aku tgk...huhuhu...
saya penah cuba arrow head atau NGAKU kot kalau x silap... gurih...
tapi saya wat x gurih kerana saya telah menyagatnye dgn lebih awal..dan lebih memburukkan keadaan pabila saya merendamnya.
tapi sekurang2nya saya mencuba kannnnn!!! (maksud saya saya x soh kak mas yang wat...huwahahaha)
EB: ada blogger wat pakai microwave je susun2 kat plate dia... rangup n xberminyak..lebih lazat.. cuba lah.
sedap kerepek tue..mcm potato chip pun ade gak!
thnx emy. congrats krn telah berjaya membuat saya beli sagat baru utk menjayakan projek arrow-head chips. kebetulan jumpa arrow head on clearance kat giants (3 kg for RM 1.50)Kalau tak krn emy, tak tau bende ni bermusim. anyway, memang sedap w/pun kerepek yg saya buat tak secantik dlm gambar tu... need more practice kot...
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